Does Roadrunner still exist

Roadrunner, once a prominent email and internet service provider associated with Time Warner Cable (TWC), has undergone significant changes due to mergers and transitions in the telecommunications Does Roadrunner still exist  industry. Here’s an exploration of the current status of Roadrunner and its evolution over the years.


Origins of Roadrunner

Roadrunner was initially launched as an internet service provider by Time Warner Cable (formerly Warner Cable Communications and Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment) in the early 1990s. It offered broadband internet services alongside email addresses with domains like  to its subscribers.

Transition to Spectrum

In 2016, Charter Communications acquired Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, integrating them into its operations under the Spectrum brand. As a result, the management of Roadrunner services, including email accounts, transitioned to Spectrum.

Current Status of Roadrunner

As of now, the Roadrunner brand itself is no longer actively promoted or marketed separately. However, existing Roadrunner email accounts continue to be supported and managed under Spectrum’s umbrella. Users who originally had email addresses can still access their accounts through Spectrum’s webmail service and other email clients.

Spectrum Email Services

Spectrum now provides email services to its subscribers, including those who previously used Roadrunner email addresses. New subscribers typically receive email addresses with domains associated with Spectrum, reflecting the brand’s current service offerings.

Transition and Integration

While the Roadrunner brand has faded in terms of independent branding and marketing, the transition to Spectrum ensured continuity for existing users. Spectrum’s management of Roadrunner email accounts includes support, maintenance, and integration into its broader range of internet and communication services.

Support and Assistance

For users with existing Roadrunner email accounts, Spectrum offers customer support for account management, password resets, troubleshooting, and any inquiries related to email services. Users can contact Spectrum’s support team for assistance with their Roadrunner email accounts.


Roadrunner, once a distinct internet and email service provider under Time Warner Cable, has transitioned into Spectrum’s portfolio following mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry. While the Roadrunner brand itself is no longer actively promoted, existing Roadrunner email accounts continue to be accessible and supported under Spectrum’s management. Users can continue to use their email addresses through Spectrum’s services, ensuring continuity and support for their email communications. For further information or assistance, contacting Spectrum’s customer support is recommended.

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